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`Wild at Heart´
(1 comment up to now)

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by: abook
Comment No. 1
17-Feb-2009, 01:32 GMT
The imagery in this script, like most of Lynch's stuff, is amazingly meaningful, metaphoric and full of foreshadowing. Match strikes, crumpled papers and drags from a cigarette suck me in. I had a lot of fun reading Wild at Heart as it reminded me of a few books slung together. It took the wild love story and passionately weird characters from 'Still life with woodpecker' and the down home texas badass of the graphic novel series 'Preacher". Outlandish, disturbing and Awful. I loved it.

Besides the wizard of OZ, the words: ' The darkening evening sky is filled with flying monkeys' has never made so much sense, or fit a story so well. In this case it doesn't just fit the story but adds to it.

It's a visual adventure straight from a dream and I urge everyone to read it.

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`Wild at Heart´

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